It's the holidays, the first time after moving away from home, which means traveling. I'm in the adjustment period of starting a new job, which is taking up my entire day due to an overly long commute (90 minutes each way). I've had another writing project come along and mostly hijack my creative energy.
All of these mean that what I was afraid of is happening now: my output on the blog has fallen greatly, and it's hard to find something that I can do about that between now and the beginning of 2016, at the least.
So, I wouldn't quite call this a reset, but it feels like that. I don't like to have the blog sit dormant, but at this point, I think that's the best thing to do. With all of the other things going on in my life, I need to rethink the workflows and processes I use to get things written, and as they catch up to my new life, I am going to start posting more again. Until then, apologies to anyone who reads this, and I hope to be back to my previous level of output before too much time passes.