Sunday, July 30, 2017

Why programming isn't for everyone (especially me): Video and notes

  • You can tell that I have the script and audio done by the time I start the animation itself - I never would have called animation "Difficult if enjoyable" if I actually was in the middle of the process when I wrote it. 
  • I may have made this because I have spent so much of my life trying to explain to people why I'm not a developer - it seems like a natural fit for me, but just does not work at all, but I couldn't really explain why until I started writing this video.
  • This took far longer than it needed to. I had basically all the animation done first week of June, but then medical issues put me out of commission for a week, and I spent another several weeks recovering/getting back up to speed. It's just so easy to be lazy, and getting back on the horse is ridiculously difficult for me. 

Let's Play Donkey Kong Country Part 17: Monarchical Demotion

  • I'm not sure there's anything to add. Said a lot at the end of the video. Not sure what the next game's going to be, or if I know by the time this goes up, then... well, just wait and see. 

Friday, July 21, 2017

Let's Play Donkey Kong Country Part 16: Yet another "Not Again"


  • Yet again with the armadillos - it was in the second level, first video. Really bad sign. 
  • I cut out more deaths and faffing about than I knew what to do with. This video was short because it was just a couple of levels, and there was just a lot of nothing that happened in the course of trying to finish the last level. 

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Let's Play Donkey Kong Country Part 15: No Way Out But Through


  • The issue with the armadillos was in the second level of the game. It's not the most incompetent I was on this playthrough, but it's really bad for so early in the game